IPL for Sunspots Portland

See Spot Run-IPL and Laser Treatments For Sun Damage

There are few things more adorable than a constellation of freckles across the nose of a sun-kissed child. However, as we age, freckles and sun damage accumulate in the form of sun spots, otherwise known as age spots, liver spots, or hyperpigmentation.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but what if you’re being diligent about skincare and sun protection and your age spots are still making you feel insecure? Venus IPL or a 755 Alexandrite treatment for sun damage on the Candela GentleMax Pro will fade unwanted discoloration much quicker than any topical treatment.

How does it work?

In a treatment such as this, where we are targeting unwanted brown discoloration using light, the device seeks out the chromophore or target, zeroes in on that contrasting pigment, and shatters that melanin deposit, allowing that unwanted pigment to rise to the surface and exfoliate away, fading over time. 

Is it safe?

The key to receiving an effective and safe brown spot corrective treatment is sun protection prior to your session-you must get back to your base complexion prior to your service to ensure the laser does not attract to the surrounding area, resulting in a burn. For this reason, this type of IPL or 755 Alexandrite pigment correcting service is recommended primarily for the fall after any residual summer sun color has faded.

freckles on the face

The brown spots that you already have will get worse and deepen in color if exposed continually to sun without protection, so even if you plan on starting services in the cooler months, keeping the area protected from the sun in the meantime is a great idea.

Due to the nature of these treatments, deeper complexions are not able to be safely treated. If you have a deeper complexion with more natural surrounding melanin, we can make other recommendations for you, like a light peel or microneedling.

When will I see the results?

Multiple sessions will usually be required as we progressively eliminate the unwanted pigment, and the settings will be gradually modified as we navigate through that process. We recommend pacing subsequent sessions 4–8 weeks apart to ensure the skin has an adequate amount of time to process and heal before re-treating.

The treated area will become darker after being treated; we call this the “coffee grounds” effect. Then, the dark pigment will exfoliate away gradually, revealing beautiful skin underneath.

Where can I receive this treatment?

The high points of the face tend to receive the most sun exposure, however, a spot treatment as opposed to the full face is also an option. The chest, neck, hands, and forearms are all great candidates for a brown spot correcting treatment as well. As always, our team of Certified Advanced Estheticians is here to answer any skin care questions you may have and direct you towards the best treatment for you.

The secret to a youthful, makeup-free complexion is an even tone without the distraction of brown sun-damaged spots. The freedom that comes from being able to go bare-faced cannot be overstated!

Call or text us at 503.303.3456 today for more information.