Skin Resurfacing


Nano-Fractional skin resurfacing by Venus Viva™ uses ultra-fine pins to deliver Radio Frequency into the depths of the epidermis and dermis, creating change at the cellular level to smooth the skin and promote healing. This energy targets the tissues and damages the existing collagen in order to stimulate the body’s healing response. Once collagen has been damaged, the body begins to repair and renew itself. Radio frequency also triggers production of new fibroblasts, increasing the amount of collagen in the tissue for a smoother, more even appearance.


  • Promoting collagen production
  • Improving superficial texture
  • Mild hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea safe
  • Melasma safe


  • Skin type: ANY
  • Sessions needed: 3+
  • Session length: 30-60 Min
  • Downtime: 1-7 Days
  • Full face $345
  • Spot treatment starting at $200



Venus Viva™ delivers columns of ultra-fine pins into the depths of the epidermis and dermis, creating change at the cellular level to smooth the skin. Meanwhile, radio frequency energy targets the tissue, damaging the existing collagen in order to stimulate the body’s healing response. Once collagen has been damaged, the body begins to repair and renew it. The radio frequency also triggers production of new fibroblasts, increasing the amount of collagen in the tissue for a smoother, more even appearance.


Clients can expect to see smoother, clearer and younger looking skin after one treatment but, full results are seen after a series of three treatments are performed. Peak results are achieved three months after the last session.

Most clients receive 3-4 treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated. We recommend maintenence treatments every six months or annually.

Treatments are performed every four weeks.

Luxe Laser skin resurfacing treatments with the Venus Versa use Nano-Fractional Radio Frequency™(RF) and SmartScan™ technology that’s safe for all complexions including higher Fitzpatrick skin types.

Make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams, perfumes, powder, or makeup before your treatment session, and avoid tanning. Remove all jewelry around the area being treated. If you have noticable hair on the treatment area, shave it beforehand.
Refrain from any Advil, Aleve, and all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for one week prior to treatment as they contain blood thining properties which may increase adverse affects. Over the counter Tylenol (acetaminophen) is safe to consume.
We recommend a “dry heal” for 24 hours. No water or products are to be put on the skin. Your skin may be pink for the first 24 hours.
After 24 hours, you should apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30), preferably a physical sunblock not chemical. Also avoid rigorous exercise and hot baths or massages on the treatment area for the first 2 days after your session. Make sure to keep your skin clean and protected from the sun. Avoid any sort of tanning.
Edema (swelling) may occur, if this happens take OTC Benadryl. If swelling doesn’t resolve contact Luxe Laser at 503.303.3456.
In the rare case of an emergency seek medical attention.

Feels like tiny pins on your skin followed by a short zap of electricity. Your face will then feel warm, like a sunburn. Treatments may be slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. You’ll feel a spicy heat sensation, similar to the feeling of sunburn, and your face will look red right after the treatment.

Every four weeks.

Treatment typically only takes 15-30 minutes. For more aggressive treatments we will numb the treatment area beforehand.

An Internal defibrillator/pacemaker or any other active electrical implant in the body, any active conditions in the treatment area (e.i. rash), history of skin disorders or very dry skin, current or history of cancer (including pre-malignant moles), severe concurrent conditions (e.g. cardiac disorders), pregnant or nursing, an impaired immune system, a history of disease around the treatment area that’s stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes), poorly controlled endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes), taking blood thinners, had a face lift or eyelid surgery within the past 3 months, had any resurfacing treatments or chemical peels within the past 3 months, had any cosmetic injections within the past 2 weeks, consumed any Advil, Tylenol or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within the past week of your treatment